Your Pain is Personal

14 easy questions lets you monitor your sleep, pain and mood

People whose lives are impacted by pain together can share insights to help each other

Take the Assessment

Welcome to Contento Health

Contento Health was founded to help people hopefully reduce the impact that pain has in their lives by monitoring their health. The Contento Assessment includes 14 easy to answer questions about sleep, physical conditions, energy, concentration and mood. Immediately after answering the questions you receive your risk scores and responses to help you and your care providers focus on which symptoms may be most bothersome to your well-being.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to extend science-based knowledge about the clinical effects of alternative ways people manage their pain. The focus is to better understand medical responses natural remedies such as yoga and from the chemical compounds in different medications including cannabis (CBD). The findings will be available to consumers and researchers to study for patters to help all people receive better care for pain and sleep based on research.

Vision Statement

Our vision is that the millions of people whose lives are impacted by pain together can share insights to help each other. We are interested in sharing data on legally and responsibly used therapies. The combined data can provide clinically useful information about how specific symptoms and conditions respond to different types of treatment allowing users to accelerate the knowledge base about the impact of these compounds on humans. We make tools available to collect, analyze, and distribute data while maximizing privacy and anonymity..

How This Works ?

You Anonymously Provide Information

Your responses to the these health questions will take a couple minutes to complete. Most of the questions were chosen from validated and standardized assessments to provide insights to important areas of health. including sleep, physical wellbeing (including pain) and mental health.

You Receive Your Responses And Guidance As To Which Terpenes And Cannabinoids Clinical Benefits May Help With Your Symptoms

You Receive your responses summarizing sleep, concentration, energy, and measures showing the impact of painand mental health in your daily life. This is valuable information to share with your clinician. You have the option of subscribing to monitor your results over time.

Assess Yourself

Your responses to the these health questions will take a couple minutes to complete. Most of the questions were chosen from validated and standardized assessments to provide insights to important areas of health including sleep, physical wellbeing (including pain) and mental health.

Review & Discuss

After you complete the survey you will receive your individualized Contento Pain Assessment including research as to which cannabis based compounds may be most beneficial to help your pain and sleep symptoms. 

Act-on & Improve

Guidance includes links to research as to which terpenes and cannabinoids clinical benefits may help with your symptoms. The links include areas of health where clinical research has shown benefits of certain individual and combinations of chemicals in the cannabis plant (pain and sleep).



Amazon Web Services (AWS), M3 Information & Data Privacy

AWS takes data privacy very seriously,and maintaining customer trust is an ongoing commitment. Customers always manage access to their services and content. AWS or M3 does not access or use non aggregated de-identified customer content for any purpose. We will not move or replicate customer content outside of the customer’s account without the customer’s consent. Any findings that M3 does as part of Medical Research will be based on de-identified and aggregated data.